Department of mathematics

of the Pedagogical Faculty

University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Union of Czech mathematicians and physics

invite you to participate in the conference

Use of Technologies in Mathematics Education,

which will be held in České Budějovice, from 10th to 12th November 2005.


The conference’s goal is to assemble the teachers of mathematics from different school levels and experts to enable  the discussions on these topics:

What role (positive or negative) can computers play in education on different school levels?

How does the content of mathematics education change if the computer is used?

How does the role of the teacher and interactions in the classroom change in computer aided education?

The contributions and discussions to above-mentioned topics will run in the working groups:

  1. General questions of the use of technologies in mathematics education.
  2. Dynamical software system in mathematics education (Cabri, Cinderela, etc.)
  3. Other software for various mathematical disciplines (Derive, Maple, Mathematica, etc.)


Send the pre-registration before the 31st May 2005 to the following address:

RNDr. Helena Binterová

Department of Mathematics

Pedagogical faculty, University of South Bohemia in Č. Budějovice

Jeronýmova 10

371 15 Č. Budějovice

Czech republic