Development of Augmented reality learning and teaching materials for STEM education

Branko Anđić, Lukáš Rokos, Eva Schmidthaler, Radka Matoušková
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Jihočeská univerzita v Č. Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta

Abstract: Augmented reality (AR) merges virtual objects with the physical world and enables interaction between the two in real-time. It is located between virtual reality and the real world and provides a computer-generated environment with which users can interact. In this workshop, STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) teachers will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the theoretical basis of using AR in the classroom. Participants will then be introduced to simple platforms for developing AR teaching materials, followed by practical activities. To participate in the workshop, participants are required to have basic computer skills and to have access to a computer and the internet at the workshop in pairs or small groups. The approximate duration of the workshop is from two to three hours.