English info

Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice together with Society of Mathematics Teachers (SUMA JČMF) organize the 8th conference

The Use of Computers in Mathematics Education

November 9 – 11, 2017

The conference „The Use of Computers in Mathematics Education“ is a biennial conference. It gives the participants (mathematics teachers across different school levels, educational experts and teacher educators) the opportunity to share their experience with the use of informational technologies in mathematics education. The conference is organized in the form of presentations, workshops and plenary lectures.

Conference topics

  • the role of a computer in mathematics education,
  • influence of the use of computers on the educational content,
  • the role of a teacher in the computer assisted education,
  • influence of the use of computers on the development of the mathematical and financial literacy.

The conference topics will be discussed in the following sections:

  1. General issues of the use of computers in mathematics education
  2. Dynamic geometry systems in mathematics education (Cabri, Cinderella, GeoGebra, …)
  3. Computer algebra systems in mathematics education (Maple, Mathematica, wxMaxima…)
  4. Other mathematical software and smart boards in application of mathematics (Financial mathematics, STEM, etc.).

During the conference, workshops on the use of particular mathematical software will be organized.

Conference Venue

Conference hall of the University of South Bohemia
(informally called “Bobík”)
Studentská 800/15, Čtyři Dvory, České Budějovice
GPS: 48°58’40.613″N, 14°26’59.002″E


Contact address

doc. RNDr. Helena Binterová, Ph.D.

Pedagogická fakulta JU v Č. Budějovicích
Jeronýmova 10,
371 15 České Budějovice
tel.: 387773087, 739 323 431

e-mail: hbinter@pf.jcu.cz